Saturday, April 25, 2009

Junie's: Portrait in progress

This is a watercolor in progress. I had to post it because I wanted some feed back. This is a portrait of my Dad. Skin tones are extremely difficult, and I still need to put some shadows in, as well as his glasses. If I can only find the motivation to finish it.

Junie's: EDM Challenge #20

This a tribute to my dad. He was a really awesome person. He was a jack of all trades, but specialized in carpentry. This still life was done with watercolor. This painting is as if he had just come home from work and has a paint can, paint roller, wrench, hammer, screwdriver, his work glove, ladder, flannel shirt, and work hat. I still love the smell of fresh paint because it reminds me of my dad.

Junie's: EDM Challenge #76

This is a watercolor, of what was originally a white rose, but I love the color blue. I love all the flowers that are out in full bloom.